José María Aznar López . How about if you help me to choose which of these four sketches of J.M. Aznar can be choosen to be colorized?. :) . You can write as a comment which option from these next four you prefer. So, here you are!:
José María Aznar López has become the best president of Spain. He has been the only libertarian conservative president we have got in our 38 years of democracy and who has bring us the best rates of liberty and prosperity. He changed Spain since the first day he started with his revolutionary leadership driving Spain to the top of the rank of the most important countries in the developed world. He reduced the unemployment from the 24% to the 12%, augmented the richness in the middle class and all due to the elimination of all the basic monopolies in the strategic sectors of the economy: telecommunicactions, gas, fuel, electricity...He transformed the Spanish military forces into a professional one and fought for the free world leaving clear the opposition to regimes as Castro in Cuba, Chávez in Venezuela and Kirchner in Argentina and gaining new allies as Álvaro Uribe, who become one of the best allies in South America for Spain. J.M. Aznar was the best ally of G.W.Bush overall when the last one declared the Global Was Against The Terrorism, because J.M. Aznar was , as always, consequent and coherent with his compromise against the terrorism, because he is a victim of the terrorism (when he was candidate to his first general elections in Spain).
Now in Spain we need the same pack of revolutionary libertarian conservative ideas and politics he applied in a similar economical political situacion for Spain before. Spain don't need more Keynessianism, Spain don't need more stimulous plans, Spain don't need more subventions, no more hand outs, no more overspends...
We need libertarian conservative politics, no more socialdemocratic overspends.
We need J.M. Aznar.
And I need you tell me which of the four options would you like I colorize. :)
Best Regards.